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SinbadParts for Sinbad 2009 Princess

Character played by Character played by Character played by
Beena Bagg, the Dame Ian Owers Sinbad Carolynn Dickinson Princess Amira Rachel Mason (Mackey)
Tea Bagg Dean Patrick Captain Black Jack Ken McCormac Dame Beena Bagg Ian Owers
Rosie Lee Charlotte Parker Pebble Sarah Coulson /Goodall Scintillating Sybil Janice Whitehead
Tanita Sophie Parker The Jinn Hannah Birch Mermaid Queen/Girl from Town Emma Smith
The Very Important Potentate Edward Turner Mojo Marie Kirby Bullseye Stewart Stevenson
Spangles Garry Campbell Saami Ellie Bailey Roc Bird Sarah Coulson /Goodall
Girl from Town/Mermaid/Skeleton Ellie Bailey Girl from Town/Mermaid/Skeleton Emily Marsh Girl from Town/Mermaid Vicki Hiles
Girl from Town/Mermaid/Skeleton Sorrel Marsh Palace Guard Trevor Smith A Gorilla Simon Talbott
Luigi the Singing Lobster Himself trained by Norah Gibson Junior Chorus Isabelle Walker Junior Chorus Laura Collins
Junior Chorus Eleanor Parker Junior Chorus Joseph Smith Junior Chorus Louise Wright
Junior Chorus Molly Yeomans Junior Chorus Ebonie Mason Junior Chorus Holly Smith