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VillageParts for Peter Pan 2013 Daisy the cow

Character played by Character played by Character played by
Peter Pan Dean Patrick Tinkerbell Hannah Birch Mystic Meg Claire Parker
John Darling Joseph Smith Michael Darling Holly Smith Mrs. Darling Emma Smith
Wendy Darling Lizzy Hudson Nana, the dog Linda Chippendale Mr. Darling Ken McCormac
Smee, a pirate Mick Rowley Starkey, a pirate Matt Walshaw Captain Hook David Waugh
The Crocodile Jenny Turner Curly, a Lost Boy Laura Collins Tootles, a Lost Boy Eleanor Parker
Slightly, a lost boy Rosie Ispan Nibs, a Lost Boy Lee Riley Dimples, a Lost Boy Zsuzsuanna Ispan
Twinkle, a Lost Boy Eleanor Yeomans Twin, a Lost Boy Yasmine Stevenson Twin, a Lost Boy Taylor Berry
Chiquitita, an Indian Squaw Jane Donia Dancing Queen, an Indian Squaw Vicki Hiles Super Trouper, an Indian Squaw Emma Smith
Mama Mia, an Indian Squaw Jenny Turner Tiger Lily, an Indian Squaw Nicky Knightley Sid, a Pirate Linda Chippendale
Sam, a Pirate Edward Turner Katy Cutlass, a Pirate Carolynn Dickinson A Mermaid Millie Beardsworth
Myrtle, the Turtle Molly Yeomans Polly, the Darling's Maid Jane Donia Peter Pan 2013 cast names