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London Parts for Babes in the Wood 2016 London

Character played by Character played by Character played by
Robin Hood Amanda Don Maid Marian Claire Parker Nurse Honey Potts David Waugh
Wally Wannabee Joseph Smith April, a Babe Emily Rourke Edwina, a Babe Holly Smith
Lady Demonica Zoe Taylor Sheriff of Nottingham Nick Parker Fairy Willow Laura Collins
Sister Immaculata Jenny Turner Will Scarlet Yasmine Stevenson Alan-a-Vale Katie Jones/Evans
Little John Edward King Ruff Linda Birch Tuff Dean Patrick
Dolly Dimples Vicki Hiles Noah Sark Daniel Turner Luke Warm Linda Chippendale
Jenny Wren Judith Armitage Etty, a Child Eleanor Parker Jimmy, a Child Callum Young
Izzy, a Child Indie Stevenson Matilda, a Child Lucy Hewson Matilda, a Child Eleanor Yeomans